Hand Drawn Tales is an animation abode, where you can find some work stuff, wedding and event illustrations, along with some old and new doodles here and there. Based in Toronto Canada, Hand Drawn Tales encompasses my deep passion for sketching and specializes in Illustrations, Storyboards, 2D animation, Motion Graphics, and has been producing Animations and Designs since 2014
More about me, I have been sketching and doodling as back as my memory allows. I am highly passionate about Sketching and Animation. I love watching movies. Being an artist, one has the license to really push the boundaries away from realism to tell a story, and this is what I like about the medium.
I completed my graduation in Animation Design from MIT Institute of Design from Pune, India in 2014, followed by a Post-graduate course in Computer Animation in 2015. Since then, I have been dabbling in all the different mediums, that gives me the range and allows me to collaborate effectively with others. I thrive in environments that encourages exploration across different artistic mediums, fostering growth.